Eleanor Brownn, MA, RLP®

Eleanor Brownn is the owner of Brownn Consulting, a Registered Life Planner®, and author of The Other Serenity Prayer: Meditations on Self-Kindness. She reaches hundreds of thousands of people globally every month online under the pen name Eleanor Brownn with 2 N's with her meditative poetry that focuses on self-compassion, spirituality, and the healing that comes when we learn to practice being kinder to ourselves. Brownn Consulting is a global consulting firm committed to promoting personal growth across the lifespan from a strengths-based perspective. Brownn Consulting delivers educational services related to health and wellbeing virtually and in person via private consultation, group presentations, and the written word. The guiding principle of Brownn Consulting is that positive change is possible at any age with faith, hope, courage, and love.